Subversion Repositories XServices

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 110 → Rev 111

51,7 → 51,6
final String OPERATION_BASENAME ="basename";
final String OPERATION_DOWNLOADFILE ="downloadFile";
final String OPERATION_ENCODEFILE= "encodeFile";
final String OPERATION_UPLOADFILE ="uploadFile";
final String OPERATION_COPY ="copy";
final String OPERATION_COPYFILE ="copyFile";
91,16 → 90,6
@WebParam(name = FileResource.XML_NAME) FileResource res) throws XServicesFault;
* @param res
* @return Encodes a file
* @throws XServicesFault
@WebMethod(operationName = OPERATION_ENCODEFILE)
public abstract byte[] encodeFile(
@WebParam(name = FileResource.XML_NAME) FileResource res) throws XServicesFault;
* @param file
* @return The file name of the file that has been uploaded.
* @throws XServicesFault
171,6 → 160,7
* @param file
* @param encoding
* @param append
* @param create
* @return
* @throws XServicesFault
180,7 → 170,8
@WebParam(name = "message") @XmlElement(required=true) String message,
@WebParam(name = PARAM_FILE) @XmlElement(required=true) String file,
@WebParam(name = PARAM_ENCODING) String encoding,
@WebParam(name = "append") boolean append) throws XServicesFault;
@WebParam(name = "append") boolean append,
@WebParam(name = "create") boolean create) throws XServicesFault;
* Changes the owner of a file or all files inside specified directories.
24,7 → 24,6
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import net.brutex.xservices.types.ScheduledJob;
import net.brutex.xservices.types.SchedulerStatisticsType;
import net.brutex.xservices.util.BrutexNamespaces;
import org.apache.cxf.annotations.WSDLDocumentation;
43,7 → 42,7
final String OPERATION_SCHEDULEJOB = "scheduleJob";
final String OPERATION_GETJOB = "getJob";
final String OPERATION_DELETEJOB = "deleteJob";
final String OPERATION_GETSTATISTICS = "getStatistics";
final String PARAM_JOB = "job";
93,12 → 92,6
public abstract void deleteJob(
@WebParam(name="id") @XmlElement(required=true) String uuid) throws XServicesFault;
* Get statisctis about the scheduler
* @throws XServicesFault
@WSDLDocumentation(value="Get scheduler statistics")
public abstract SchedulerStatisticsType getStatistics() throws XServicesFault;
1,5 → 1,5
* Copyright 2010 Brian Rosenberger (Brutex Network)
* Copyright 2013 Brian Rosenberger (Brutex Network)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
24,7 → 24,6
import net.brutex.xservices.types.ReturnCode;
import net.brutex.xservices.types.RuntimeInfoType;
import net.brutex.xservices.types.ant.FileSetResource;
import net.brutex.xservices.util.BrutexNamespaces;
import org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.java5.XmlElement;
import org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.java5.XmlReturnType;
36,58 → 35,29
* @author Brian Rosenberger,
* @since 0.4.0
@WebService(targetNamespace = BrutexNamespaces.WS_XSERVICES)
@WebService(targetNamespace = net.brutex.xservices.util.BrutexNamespaces.WS_XSERVICES)
@WSDLDocumentation("Various service operations.")
public interface MiscService {
public static final String OPERATION_GETMEMORY = "getMemory";
* Get IP address from host name.
* @param hostname
* @return ReturnCode
@WebMethod(operationName = "getHostinfo")
@WSDLDocumentation(value = "Get information about a host.")
public HostinfoType getHostinfo(
@WebParam(name = "hostname") @XmlElement(minOccurs="1", nillable=false ) String hostname);
public static final String OPERATION_GETMEMORY = "getMemory";
* Delay execution for a given time.
* @param minutes
* @param seconds
* @return ReturnCode
@WebMethod(operationName = "sleep")
@WSDLDocumentation(value = "Delay request response a specified duration.")
public ReturnCode sleep(
@WebParam(name = "minutes") int minutes,
@WebParam(name = "seconds") int seconds);
* @return ReturnCode
@WebMethod(operationName = "getInfo")
@WSDLDocumentation(value = "Get XService information.")
public ReturnCode getInfo();
* Generate a UUID
* @return new UUID
@WebMethod(operationName = "generateUUID")
@WSDLDocumentation(value = "Generate a UUID.")
public String generateUUID();
* Get Memory information
@WebMethod(operationName = MiscService.OPERATION_GETMEMORY)
@WSDLDocumentation(value = "Get memory and processor information")
public RuntimeInfoType getMemory();
@WSDLDocumentation("Get information about a host.")
public abstract HostinfoType getHostinfo(@WebParam(name="hostname") @XmlElement(minOccurs="1", nillable=false) String paramString);
@WSDLDocumentation("Delay request response a specified duration.")
public abstract ReturnCode sleep(@WebParam(name="minutes") int paramInt1, @WebParam(name="seconds") int paramInt2);
@WSDLDocumentation("Get XService information.")
public abstract ReturnCode getInfo();
@WSDLDocumentation("Generate a UUID.")
public abstract String generateUUID();
@WSDLDocumentation("Get memory and processor information")
public abstract RuntimeInfoType getMemory();