Logs out the current active session, releasing license. Gets the server version. Creates a project. Deletes a process application. Checks for the specified privilege by name. Returns a list of privileges that the specified user has. Determine if the specified user is valid. Returns user information one or more users. If no user is specified, then information about the current user is returned. Creates one or more users and optionally updates existing user(s) if they already exist. Updates one or more users. Can delete users by setting isDeleted. Returns group information for one or more groups. Creates one or more groups and optionally updates existing groups(s) if they already exist. Updates one or more groups. Can delete groups by setting isDeleted. Grants or revokes privileges for particular user. Grants or revokes privileges for particular group. Checks for the specified group privilege by name. Returns a list of privileges that the specified group has. Checks whether specified group is assigned to a role. Returns a list of roles assigned to particular group. Checks whether specified user is assigned to a role. Returns a list of roles assigned to particular user. Grants of revokes set of project roles to particular group. Grants of revokes set of project roles to particular user. Returns set of available privilege types ( TS_PRIVTYPE_USER* for kind == ae__PrivilegeKind::USER_KIND, TS_PRIVTYPE_ADM* for kind == ae__PrivilegeKind::ADMIN_KIND ) Returns set of available privileges of particular type. Returns list of users granted particular project role. Returns list of groups granted particular project role. SBM Administrative Web Services Version 7.2