http://localhost:8080/XServices/XmlService?wsdl Replaces matched XML nodes with an XML document given as file. Insert an XML fragment into an XML document given as string. Select from xml document given as string using an XPath expression. Wraps a String into a CDATA element Set an attribute. Replaces matched XML nodes with an XML document given as string. Insert an XML fragment into an XML document given as file. ]]> FILE ? ? ? ? ? ]]>Global HTTP Settings<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://localhost:8080/XServices/XmlService Mensiok Bello Schwab Rumsau Dollibert Rach ]]]]>> utf-8 /books/author ]]]]>> ]]>Global HTTP Settings<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://localhost:8080/XServices/XmlService Lena Jani Reminder ABC Don't forget me this weekend! John Lena Call Mr. ABC Please call back Brian JJohn Reminder XServices How to use selectXPath? ]]]]>> utf-8 ns bx */bx:note/ns:heading/text() ]]>Global HTTP SettingsUTF-8http://localhost:8080/XServices/XmlService ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]]><xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://localhost:8080/XServices/XmlService Hello World, here is some <xml> data ]]>Global HTTP SettingsUTF-8http://localhost:8080/XServices/XmlService FILE ? ? ? ? ? ]]>Global HTTP Settings<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://localhost:8080/XServices/XmlService Mensiok Bello Schwab Rumsau Dollibert Rach ]]]]>> utf-8 */name[text()='Schwab'] Meyer45]]]]>> ]]>adminGlobal HTTP Settings